Thursday, June 30, 2011

One year older and wiser too?

Ahh the time has finally come. I am now 17 years old. I'm happy to realize that even though i'm older it's still so much fun acting like a two year old. My birthday was spent getting spanked way to many times (don't worry my butt still hurts.) getting sung to by cute orem boys at xc pratice :) and getting to run hills my favorite!! after practice i went to seven peaks with Bre and Ashley, having the best time going around the lazy river 20 times just to look at the attractive lifeguard. Also getting to see our girls coach melanie, no worries we recognized her by her taped arches. And getting to go down the new slides. Afterwords we saw baby mama and almost exploded with all the candy we ate. Yummy! over all it was a day well spent. :) hopefully the rest of my 17th year can be this great!

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