Friday, June 10, 2011

girls night!

Today is the first day up here at snowbird. Both my dad and Riker were busy today so they're coming up tomorrow. So it's just me and my mom up here. We've spent the entire time having a gilmore girls marathon. It's official, i love it!!! Gilmore girls is my favorite show now. Ha. i've enjoyed just chillin and pigging out on junk food and making myself sick by drinking way to much sunny d. gawl, that stuff is good. I'm turning into a big fat marshmallow, good thing i'm going to exercise tomorrow.... hopefully. ha we'll see how well that plan goes.


  1. I'm glad you've seen the light and love my all time favorite show but you will obviously never love it as much as I do!

  2. haha we need to have a gilmore girls marathon sometime! haha i don't love it as much as you do yet! ha i'm getting there, it took me a while to find the light but i did! :)
