Saturday, June 11, 2011


When i hear the word snow i start to shudder and dream of days when i can lay out in the sun. It's summer now and any thoughts of snow should be banished with the past memory of February right? wrong. I am now spending the week up in the canyons where 10 feet of snow in the middle of summer is entirely custom, not out of the ordinary of all! ahhh i could die. This is like a never ending nightmare, to make things worse the snow isn't even good packing snow. It's disgusting and icy. ugh. yuck. My hate of snow has increased with the following event of the day, Riker and I were walking on snow (shudder) to get to the park, but the snow isn't exactly stable and after several turns of falling in knee deep into this white, freezing, disgusting stuff Riker had the brilliant idea to just think light thoughts and sprint as fast as we can. He made it through no problem, but I ran into a bit of a problem. I was thinking as light as i could and made it almost half way across, when, sadly I sunk into the snow thus cutting my leg up. Riker had no pity on me :( now i'm stuck with a terrible cut up leg and my hate for snow has increased. Hopefully i'll survive the week and when i get back all thoughts of snow can be hidden away until november. :)

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