Saturday, July 30, 2011


I believe in angles, i believe that they are constantly watching over you and protecting you. And today i received a manifestation of my belief. The story goes like this, every year my cross country team hikes up timpanogos starting at midnight. We were planning on going last night, but then one girl that hiked up it last week told us to start later than that so we can see. Blessing number 1. Yesterday i was packing for the hike when i just had a thought that i needed to bring a first aid kit, i walked over to our medical supplies and just grabbed everything that popped into my brain. Blessing number 2. But i really couldn't decide if i wanted to go. I just wanted sleep and i was so tired. Hiking did not really sound fun. But when i woke up at 4:30 i knew i should go on the hike, little did i know it also happened to another. Blessing number 3. And the biggest blessing of all was when one of my teammates slipped down the snow falling about 30 yards down, hitting rocks along the way. No broken bones, no problems with her ankle or knees or anything. It was amazing that she didn't hurt her head during the fall. It was in that moment that everything just fit together perfectly. The reason why i was on the hike: To help her. I had the supplies and i had taken sports med so i knew what to do. I know angles were watching over us making sure everything would be okay. When at that moment all i wanted to do was cry, i managed to think clearly and help stop the bleeding. All that had happened was scraped up legs and alot of bruises. When compared to what could have happened, it was only slight injuries. Somehow she managed to walk the 6 miles down passing through even more snow and treacherous paths. I'm so thankful that Heavenly Father was watching over us and guided us in our actions. Never before have i received such a strong manifestation that God has a plan for us, he cares and is paying attention to our lives. It gives me such comfort knowing that i am never alone. Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded thee? be strong and of a good courage, be not afraid neither be thou dismayed for the Lord thy God is with thee withosover thou goest.


  1. this is so cool.. seriously. you are so good to be in tune with the spirit, Jamie was lucky that you were there sid.

  2. I got chills reading that. I love you!!
