Tuesday, November 1, 2011

These days

Volleyball game, state playoffs!!
They did SOOO good!!! so proud of them :)
Surprise! We visited east high, sang a bit of high school musical. Sadly Troy Bolten was not to be found anywhere :(

I live for these days. The days where i'm never home. The days where homework takes a back seat in my priority list. The days when eating is a 2nd thought, almost forgotten to the point where i'll just eat a poptart to fill my stomach a bit. why do i love these days? Because they remind me that i'm living. This is not just a time to learn, go to school, do what your told. Life was meant to be lived. Have fun. Party it up. Be a bit reckless. Take a chance. because life is to short to have regrets. And the things you'll regret most is what you DIDN'T do, rather than what you did do.

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