Sunday, November 6, 2011

thank you

Since it's thanksgiving soon, i'm gonna use this month to post what i'm grateful for. Begining with:
I'm thankful for my body. I love the fact that whenever I feel the urge, i can put on my shoes and go for a run. I love not being injured. I love that when tough times come, I can escape the world for an hour or so and everything becomes so clear. It's just me and the road. I love being able to think that should the need arise i can run away from someone, and be able to run far and fast. It makes me feel much more safe. I love that I can participate in sports whenever i want, play the occasional soccer, volleyball, basketball. I love being able to go to dances and party the night away without getting winded. I love the feeling of being sore after working out because i know that i worked hard and i'm building muscle. I love feeling proud of my body, just the way it is. I'm so blessed that heavenly father gave me this body. It's true when he says that our bodies are a temple. They need to be treated with respect and care. I try to eat healthy and make sure i get enough sleep so my body can work at its best.
That's what i'm thankful for.

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