Sunday, September 11, 2011

that time i: became a region champ

My college writing teacher asked us to write an essay about our hobbies and the greatest moment we had doing our hobby. lucky you, you get to read mine :)

dedication and goals

“We all have dreams. In order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline and effort.” The thought came floating into my mind as I moved from one position to the next, forcing my muscle to contract and relax. All of my hard work was going to come down to this race, I felt like I had been preparing for it ever since I first began running.

Lined up to race, eyes meet as I embrace my teammates solemnly. Anxiety is in the air as we take position, and go. An eruption of cheering is numbly heard as I focus on my goal. I mumble my mantra, region champs. Dimly I hear my coach yell, “remember…” Remember what? I look back to every practice that lead up to this race, the good times when I accomplished my goals. The pain and disappointment that continually haunted me as

punishment for achieving less than I desired. I had gotten injured during the season, but didn’t let it halt my efforts, pushing it as hard as I could at the gym when I wasn’t able to run.

I gasped for air, wondering how much longer my body could go, pain washed over my aching muscles, I was slowly reaching my breaking point, but had another mile left. I kept fighting, knowing if I gave up I would regret it for years. I crossed the finish line, knowing I did my best. I became a region champion.

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