Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Maybe i'm finally starting to grow up, maybe it's because i'm becoming used to school and finding that i actually enjoy it. Maybe it's just because fall is my favorite season of the year, or maybe a mix of all of them. I'm just content, happy. Life is good. Everyday brings a new adventure, something fresh and different. I'm excited. Waking up everyday, not knowing what's going to happen. Enjoy each day at school, don't take them for granted. Live every day with no regrets. Be the type of friend that a friend wants to be around. ha what am i saying? I don't really know what i'm doing. Life is confusing, but i'm loving every minute of it! i dare you to tell me this is not the prettiest thing in the entire world. Ahh i get chills just looking at it! love love love :)

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