Saturday, August 13, 2011


I learned alot while i was up at xc camp. I learned that chivalry and respect are a thing of the past, and are practically 4 letter words when it comes to the boys on my team. Oh by the end of camp i was ready to smack some of these boys. Since when has it ever been okay for boys to be the first to eat, doesn't everybody know the rule that girls eat first? I'm so sick of the boys on the team. Oh i know it's rough to hear, and i probably shouldn't say it, but honestly? Grow some manners because no one deserves to be treated the way you are treating my teammates. I wish i could just go back in time. Back to when i was a freshman. Back to when the boys on the team showed how much they cared about the girls, and didn't worry about having to pretend to be all macho for the guys. It's times like this that I miss my brother. I know he wouldn't have just let his team act this way. He would be chewing them out constantly and no one would get away with this crap. Is it too much to ask to just not have to defend myself and put up a wall just so you won't have to see me cry when your words are a bit to harsh and i've had a rough day? Please change your ways, because next time i will not be asking. And it's not gonna be pretty. End of conversation.


  1. Tough :( But part of the fight is to realize you've been mistreated! Don't let them bring you down, you go girl!
