Friday, August 5, 2011

flashing danger sign

I am not known as a cautious person. I have been know to be reckless and throw caution to the wind a few times... But tonight as we were in common cents a man walks in with the hilt of a gun poking out of his pants. Not only did i do several double takes but as i quickly glance at my friend i realize she saw the same thing i did. Sadly though we had to wait for my other friend to finish buying her food as we stare at the man with the shady looks, beanie, and oh yeah, a GUN. Never before in my life has banning guns actually made sense. But now, as i look back to when i was sure we were about to become victims of a gas station robbery I see the importance of limiting exactly who can own a gun. I mean, i might not be the smartest when it comes to sensing when i'm in danger but seeing a gun is like sending a flashing sign into my brain. possibly one of the top ten scariest moments of my life. Oh no worries, stuff like this apparently just keeps happening to me. Just call me Sidney Danger Terry.


  1. oh my HECK!!!!! SID!!!?!?!? SAD!!!! ): BE CAREFUL. I need to come protect you, everywhere you go..

  2. And you didn't tell your mother this because?
