Monday, October 10, 2011

simple blessings

As life around me gets so very complicated, hard times come and go. And it's easy to get very stressed about the future. I love those simple little things that make life so great. Here's a few from today:
  • Easy run, sometimes it really is great to just let your legs relax
  • Being able to wear shorts and a t-shirt after school and not freeze your butt off
  • Finding those old clothes you never wear but you can't bear to part with it, so you forgot it even existed until you found it and then simply had to wear it.
  • Hugs, nothing is better than a huge hug when it's a cold day outside.
  • mini golf, so much fun and requires practically no talent.
  • reading a fabulous new book. I recommend The Help.
  • studying for the ACT, relaxes my nerves for the upcoming test.
  • Realizing that there is only 9 more days till state.
  • sending letters to missionaries
  • Seminary. Love it this year.
  • Listening to 80s music. I'm a fan
  • Seeing your "tighter than a fat man in spandex friend" Love it
  • spending time with family. Love getting out of my house and visiting my dear auntie and uncle
So enjoy the day, and find those small treasures that make life so enjoyable. :)

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