Sunday, October 23, 2011

I am determined to become domesticated before college

In my rush to become self sufficient, i have been practicing my cooking skills. After all, how am i supposed to attract those boys while i'm in college, while also getting my freshman 15? Today was spent baking at my aunts. It was quite the lovely experience and i'm pleased to say my chocolate cravings for the day have been satisfied. Enjoy the pics :)
They were a bit distracting during the cooking process, but come on, when they look that cute, how can you not love them??
The adventures of making pretzel bites, we burned ourselves quite a bit but they were very yummy!

And here's the chocolate peanut butter cups!! mmmm deliciouso!

Cooking? check! Now all i need to learn is laundry, cleaning, washing, and overall skills needed to survive. Cooking is only a small step, but someday i'll figure all this out!

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