Who are you to tell me i can't? You have no idea what i am capable of. So get out of the way, take a seat, and watch on the sidelines as i chase my dreams.
I survived. I can keep going, keep fighting, keep living. You didn't stop me.
never put in only half the effort. All the way.
Even if your scared, terrified of what they might think. You have the truth on your side, and that's more powerful than the majority
Happy birthday clint. miss you. everyday.
Oh sorry, i wasn't worth your time then. And it's not worth my time now. We're done being friends. Don't come running back to me.
Every time it breaks i will be stronger because of it.
Love and hate this movie. It's beyond adorable. It's everything that i wish i could have. I hate it because it's not real life, and i can't expect mine to be like this.
The world is a gorgeous place. Stop for just a moment and soak it all in. It's overwhelming how wonderful our existence is. always be grateful
I have those regrets. The times i wish that i hadn't stayed silent. I wish i had stood up for myself. Spoke my thoughts. But never again. This moment only comes around once, speak now or forever hold your peace. I choose to speak now.
Why does it always happen at night? I'm fine, strong during the day. But at night i miss you so much it hurts. I wish you were hear right now. I wish i could tell you everything that is going on. Maybe someday i will get up the courage to tell you just how much i miss you, and how hard this is on me.
Be true to yourself. People will come and go out of your life. But you will always have to live with yourself.
I'm so blessed to have you in my life. You make it more beautiful, happy. You're always there for me even when i'm bitter, angry, and hate the world. Thank you
There will always be hard times. I don't want to just wait for it to end to find joy. I want to be happy now, find joy through the pain.
Every day this year. I thought i wasn't going to run this year. Thought i was done. But you changed me, you ran with me. When i was weak, you gave me strength. When i was crumbling, ready to quite, you gave me the courage to go on. When i was frightened of the future, unaware of where my life was going, you showed me that you have a plan for me and it will all be okay. I wouldn't be the runner i am today without you.
No one can tell you to be happy or sad. Forget the backstabbers. they were never your friend anyway. They aren't worth it. Keep your head up and smile
Mold me into the person i'm meant to be.
Exhausted, tired of failing, ready to give up. But no i will keep fighting, because tomorrow will come and I will have more opportunities to be the best person i can be.
Regrets? who needs them. If you don't like who you have become than change it. Become a new person and live the life you want.
loving this, and these pictures. i love you sid (: