God puts certain people in our lives to help us on our path to return to him. I'm so blessed for my wonderful friends that mean so much to me. "many people walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints on your heart" Sometimes it hard to be yourself, in a world full of people who are fake. There will be many who judge you, reprimand you, make you feel inferior. A true friend is someone who respects you and your choices, who will stand by you no matter what.

Some people hate their ward, they despise going to mutual. These girls in laurels will me are some of my best friends. Camp and trek were some of the best weeks of my life, they see me at my best, full of the spirit and happy. And they see me at my absolute worst, hit rock bottom and can't seem to get up. But they never give up on me, even when life is crumbling around me they are my constant. My rock.
I can't even tell you how much i miss all those boys. Off to serve their missions in various parts of the world. They were and still are such an example for me. I miss being the little noob on the team and having wonderful role models to look up too. They were always there for me, through the good races and the bad ones, we were in it together. I knew that they all had my back and I could talk to them about anything and they would listen, ready to help in anyway they could

Arizona is just always such an interesting trip. I know that God had these people go to arizona for a reason. I can't believe they put up with my pissyness and being such a brat. They teach me patience and how to find the good in every situation. We all have struggles, but this life is about enduring to the end, overcoming those trials we have. For me, arizona was a huge trial. I didn't know how to handle being away from my family without andrew. It was hard, i missed them alot. But I also was able to surround myself with people who are wonderful and optimistic.

Camp. Our group totally powned! It's been a pretty interesting season since there's 3x as many boys as girls. It makes me feel a little over powered sometimes. But i've also really gotten to know the boys, more than i usually do. It's been such an amazing experience, they are so strong in the gospel and keep me on the right path. They can say the absolute funniest at times, it makes my life! Even though i'm used to having andrew on the team and being able to count on him when i need help, it's been a growing experience to have to be by myself. But it's also let me meet more of my teammates!

I don't even know what to say. my friends are just the greatest. Partying it up at football games.

These are the friends that i've had always. The ones that when we first saw each other we instantly became friends. Then as life went on we spread apart, but whenever we get to hang out it's just like how things used to be, like to time has passed. We can reminisce on the good times we had and look forward to the even better times we'll have!

Pamela, we were kinda friends last year, but this year i've really been able to get to know her. She's so energetic and fun to be around. Not afraid to be a lonely loser with me. The picture pretty much says it all. I love being around people who aren't afraid to take pictures that they look weird in, maybe not always look perfect. But will have a blast partying in the rain and having mud fights.

God blessed me so much when he gave me andrew as a brother. I've always looked up to him so much, wanted to follow in his footsteps. Even now, as he's thousands of miles away I still look to him as an example in my life. I tell him everything, pretty sure he get annoyed by how long my emails to him are, but i know that he can keep my secrets and i can tell him when i'm having a really hard time. Then when i'm ready to give up he writes exactly the words that i need to hear to make it better. He doesn't get mad at me when i tell him i don't want to run, and that I have no motivation to try, he just encourages me to do whatever i think is best.

Best friends in the whole world!! I love how we can go out and party it up, or just sit and talk. Sometimes we joke and have fun, but other times we have really serious conversations. High school has been the best years of my life, and through it all we've been so tight. Time and distance doesn't come between us ever. I can just imagine 20 years from now we go to our high school reunion and we'll still be best friends and keeping track of what's going on in everyone's lives.
I love this. What a good post!
ReplyDeleteI love the AZ picture, and the race picture with all of our old varsity boys, celeste and janae.. man. good times.
This song is so true, it's such a good song.
I look up to YOU sidney, I love this post; so many people need and adore you.
And that's an AWESOME picture of Andrew!!! (: