As summer is drawing to a close many thought are lingering in my brain: Am i going to like my classes? What's the cure for senioritis? How long before i start killing the annoying sophmores? And the all important question; What's this season of xc going to be like? With a few races under my belt already, i'm beginning to see how things are gonna be this year.

Hopefully this will be the first of many wins for us! We kicked butt at Tooele invite, getting first in every group. With a little hard work and dedication we can win region again this year.
Some fun races await. Going through a small "stream"? check. i'm ready to go running in the pouring rain through mud. Yeah, that would be a bomb race.
My fantastic team! I know that i complain about them way to often, but truly they are the best! I wouldn't change a thing about them. Already we've been able to have so much fun and lots of success. Crazy that this is my 5th year of running. The team changes so much each year as people come and go, but one thing stays the same. We're a family. :) love these children so much.

This is my senior year and I am ready to party it up! no regrets this year, i'm holding nothing back. I want to remember this year as the best year ever!!
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