Saturday, August 27, 2011

Football Fridays anyone?

You know school has started when your fridays for the next 3 months are booked for watching every football game involving your school. So in case you eve
r need to find me on a friday night. Just go to the game 100% guaranty i will be there. Who cares if we are already 0-2? And might have lost to the worst team in possibly the
whole state. No big, i don't go to watch the game anyway. Now some pics from it.

Monday, August 22, 2011

random thoughts on a monday

Summer is over, school is starting soon. (a bit to soon but there's nothing i can do about that) This summer was unlike any other. It was the summer of fun, partying, non stop being busy. Just a list of my favorite parts of the past 3 months:
  • Snowbird, family vacation!
  • TREK! honestly best experience of my life.
  • Non stop quoting movies
  • Dyeing my hair
  • swimming, swimming, and oh yeah, more swimming
  • finally starting a blog, oh i am so addicted
  • winning a giant fish from mutual
  • stargazing, my favorite thing in the whole world!
  • Strawberry days, makes me want to move to idaho and live among horses
  • rockin out to rap at way to high of decibels, when i have early hearing loss i'll know why
  • taking a nap almost every day
  • going to lagoon!
  • babysitting my cousins for 3 days straight. who knew that would be an adventure?!
  • overalls, i'm in love with them!
  • receiving a spongebob shirt for my birthday, aren't my friends the greatest?
  • TPing! ha i'm a rebel
  • speaking of being rebellious (skip this one family) streaking through the football field
  • getting a camera, honestly so happy i have pictures of this entire summer
  • secretly chalking people's driveway, then finding out they were watching.
  • watching the coolest rain storm in the world
  • decorating my room, absolutely love it!
  • my awesome young women leaders, you will be missed
  • frozen yogurt
  • gaining 20 pounds from doughnuts alone
  • driving at night, i dunno why but i love it so much
  • trafalga, even with all my practice i still suck at mini golf
  • learning guitar, i've only started but progress has been made!
  • mud fights :) nothin beats them
  • jb, ya gotta love him!
  • water fights, not as good but equally entertaining
  • girls camp, it was our last year and we partied it up!
  • baby mama and she's the man, 'nuff said
  • doorbell ditching/trash bagging
  • running, proof that hard work does pay off
  • bubbles, especially scented ones
  • Harry potter 7 part 2, can you say end of childhood?
  • winning something from a claw machine, goal of life accomplished
  • obsessing over josh thomas's music way too much, listen to him, it's amazing!!!
  • breakfast runs, or just food in general
wow that list is much longer than i thought it would be, looking back on everything i did just reminds me how much is waiting for me in the future.
In a world of comparison and conformity, make your own statement. Honor your own truth. Have the courage to be yourself; risk speaking your own thoughts and claiming your emotions. Share your vulnerabilities, tears, doubts, and insecurities; let others experience the real you. Have the courage to be yourself and realize that you are a wonderful person
I'm ready to party it up and celebrate this senior year! This is me, take me as i am, with all my crazyness and acting like a two year old or not at all. I'm done pretending to be someone i'm not to spare myself from those who would judge.
There will never be another now, i'll make the most of today. There will never be another me, i'll make the most of myself.
New theme of life? No regrets. there are no redo's, no rewinds, life is not a movie with reshooting and rewrites. No taking back anything you say, do, become. Hard times will come. Not every day will be perfect but that's okay, without the bad you can't appreciate the good right? So enjoy every day because it goes by so fast. Soon i'll have senioritis, and the end of school will not come soon enough. But hopefully i can remember to love each moment and share it with those that i love. random post i know. My thought are a little everywhere today. bear with me, soon i'll be back to my normal self. perhaps...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

autumn, the season of running

As summer is drawing to a close many thought are lingering in my brain: Am i going to like my classes? What's the cure for senioritis? How long before i start killing the annoying sophmores? And the all important question; What's this season of xc going to be like? With a few races under my belt already, i'm beginning to see how things are gonna be this year.

It's gonna be full of WAY to much cuddling, and a constant wish that we had more girls on this team. Awkward moments will not be scarce this year. Perhaps we've become a bit to comfortable when we aren't shy about talking about diarrhea and periods.
Hopefully this will be the first of many wins for us! We kicked butt at Tooele invite, getting first in every group. With a little hard work and dedication we can win region again this year.
Some fun races await. Going through a small "stream"? check. i'm ready to go running in the pouring rain through mud. Yeah, that would be a bomb race.
My fantastic team! I know that i complain about them way to often, but truly they are the best! I wouldn't change a thing about them. Already we've been able to have so much fun and lots of success. Crazy that this is my 5th year of running. The team changes so much each year as people come and go, but one thing stays the same. We're a family. :) love these children so much.
This is my senior year and I am ready to party it up! no regrets this year, i'm holding nothing back. I want to remember this year as the best year ever!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My leaders! :)

Pretty sure i have some of the greatest young women leaders on the planet. They take us to the coolest, most delicious places in the whole world
They tolerate our weird moments when we feel like dressing up like freaks

And they constantly give us food :)

yup! if they aren't the best then i don't know who is! To bad they got released. Yeah, you heard right, my absolute favorite leaders, the people i consider to be like my second mom are going to be leaving me. :( After 5 wonderful years with them it is time to bid adieu. Farewell my mentors, leaders, examples, and mothers. You will be missed.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


I learned alot while i was up at xc camp. I learned that chivalry and respect are a thing of the past, and are practically 4 letter words when it comes to the boys on my team. Oh by the end of camp i was ready to smack some of these boys. Since when has it ever been okay for boys to be the first to eat, doesn't everybody know the rule that girls eat first? I'm so sick of the boys on the team. Oh i know it's rough to hear, and i probably shouldn't say it, but honestly? Grow some manners because no one deserves to be treated the way you are treating my teammates. I wish i could just go back in time. Back to when i was a freshman. Back to when the boys on the team showed how much they cared about the girls, and didn't worry about having to pretend to be all macho for the guys. It's times like this that I miss my brother. I know he wouldn't have just let his team act this way. He would be chewing them out constantly and no one would get away with this crap. Is it too much to ask to just not have to defend myself and put up a wall just so you won't have to see me cry when your words are a bit to harsh and i've had a rough day? Please change your ways, because next time i will not be asking. And it's not gonna be pretty. End of conversation.

Friday, August 5, 2011

flashing danger sign

I am not known as a cautious person. I have been know to be reckless and throw caution to the wind a few times... But tonight as we were in common cents a man walks in with the hilt of a gun poking out of his pants. Not only did i do several double takes but as i quickly glance at my friend i realize she saw the same thing i did. Sadly though we had to wait for my other friend to finish buying her food as we stare at the man with the shady looks, beanie, and oh yeah, a GUN. Never before in my life has banning guns actually made sense. But now, as i look back to when i was sure we were about to become victims of a gas station robbery I see the importance of limiting exactly who can own a gun. I mean, i might not be the smartest when it comes to sensing when i'm in danger but seeing a gun is like sending a flashing sign into my brain. possibly one of the top ten scariest moments of my life. Oh no worries, stuff like this apparently just keeps happening to me. Just call me Sidney Danger Terry.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Look out. it's a new epidemic that is sweeping the nation. And it's slowly gaining numbers. Soon it will seem like they are every where. Yes, you heard it here first. Overalls are getting back in style. Find your own at savers. trust me it's worth it.

First there was only one
But now there are TWO! no worries, we just like to go to places like walmart and amuse ourselves by looking like freaks. :) don't knock it till you try it!!