Ever have those days where you really don't want to get out of bed, and then when you do you realize it would have been much smarter to just stay in bed all day. Today was one of those days. Cross country was the pits, and one of the hardest workouts i've ever had. It was so hard to be tough mentally. But thankfully i have some amazing friends who were able to get me out of my funk. It just takes a bit of a secret recipe. all it takes is baking some delicious scones.

Acting like the biggest freaks

Pigging out on pounds of food :)

Watching possibly the funniest movie ever!

And a nice refreshing nap

Yup. nothing beats spending a day being lazy and just chillen with a couple of comrades.
Tiffanie Michele Allen likes this! (: See, told you I'd get these pictures up speedy quick!