Saturday, July 30, 2011
I believe in angles, i believe that they are constantly watching over you and protecting you. And today i received a manifestation of my belief. The story goes like this, every year my cross country team hikes up timpanogos starting at midnight. We were planning on going last night, but then one girl that hiked up it last week told us to start later than that so we can see. Blessing number 1. Yesterday i was packing for the hike when i just had a thought that i needed to bring a first aid kit, i walked over to our medical supplies and just grabbed everything that popped into my brain. Blessing number 2. But i really couldn't decide if i wanted to go. I just wanted sleep and i was so tired. Hiking did not really sound fun. But when i woke up at 4:30 i knew i should go on the hike, little did i know it also happened to another. Blessing number 3. And the biggest blessing of all was when one of my teammates slipped down the snow falling about 30 yards down, hitting rocks along the way. No broken bones, no problems with her ankle or knees or anything. It was amazing that she didn't hurt her head during the fall. It was in that moment that everything just fit together perfectly. The reason why i was on the hike: To help her. I had the supplies and i had taken sports med so i knew what to do. I know angles were watching over us making sure everything would be okay. When at that moment all i wanted to do was cry, i managed to think clearly and help stop the bleeding. All that had happened was scraped up legs and alot of bruises. When compared to what could have happened, it was only slight injuries. Somehow she managed to walk the 6 miles down passing through even more snow and treacherous paths. I'm so thankful that Heavenly Father was watching over us and guided us in our actions. Never before have i received such a strong manifestation that God has a plan for us, he cares and is paying attention to our lives. It gives me such comfort knowing that i am never alone. Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded thee? be strong and of a good courage, be not afraid neither be thou dismayed for the Lord thy God is with thee withosover thou goest.
Monday, July 25, 2011
meet the fam... well some of them
Go ahead poke around, for your perusing, perhaps amusing introducing me, and my family. Our fun times at the 24th of july! celebrating our pioneer heritage!
We had a little campfire and everyone was trying to perfect their roasting skills
my very interesting aunts. ha trying to get out of the rain and stay dry.
My little cousins, they kept trying to ruin every picture i took, so finally i told them to just get in a picture with me. :)
Best part of the 24th of july? the fireworks of course! So glad they made the huge ones legal, makes it so much better!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
oscar the walking man.
Oh the summer nights were the weirdest things could happen. you might, perhaps meet your soul mate named oscar at savers...
And then, you might just dress up in a garbage bag and sit on porches to freak others out.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
and so it ends

Friday, July 15, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
oh the adventures of summer
There we were at 7 peaks when we started talking about how i have virgin hair. Never before been dyed. When korinne said we should dye my hair dark brown. since i've always wanted to dye my hair at least once i agreed we should. Ha it ended up being much harder than i thought it would but it was some great times we had!
The before
The after
and the middle
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
nice wheels
Today was spent getting my bike in ready condition so i may ride to and from practice with ease. Oh I am so paranoid about getting hit by a car while riding this thing. Hopefully no harm comes to me as i prepare myself for the first of many rides this summer. But I am proud to say i can now change a tire with ease. mission accomplished. :)
Monday, July 11, 2011
gloom and doom
Ever have those days where you really don't want to get out of bed, and then when you do you realize it would have been much smarter to just stay in bed all day. Today was one of those days. Cross country was the pits, and one of the hardest workouts i've ever had. It was so hard to be tough mentally. But thankfully i have some amazing friends who were able to get me out of my funk. It just takes a bit of a secret recipe. all it takes is baking some delicious scones.

Acting like the biggest freaks

Pigging out on pounds of food :)

Watching possibly the funniest movie ever!

And a nice refreshing nap

Yup. nothing beats spending a day being lazy and just chillen with a couple of comrades.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
A week at shalom

It finally came. My last year at girls camp. From the very beginning it was destined to be greater than any other girls camp. I'm not sure what exactly made it oh so much better than all the rest. Perhaps it was the never going to sleep until 2am because we are to busy talking about boys with our leaders. Or maybe it was that I had to wake up at 6am every morning to go running because my coach, melanie clayton was there. But maybe it was just because every single moment became an opportunity to learn a lesson.
My dear, sweet leaders never missed a chance to teach us just how important our choices are. Whether it was with a formal lesson or just a little talk in the cabin, they always stressed that we decide how our life is going to be. We talked about how those who have the hardest trials can be some of the strongest people with incredible amounts of faith, or they can choose to let it destroy their life. We learned that it's important not to give in to momentary happiness so we can have eternal happiness when we are able to get married in the temple.
There were many laughs this week as we worked hard to go through initiation with the beehives into young womens. Many times they would return to their cabin after being on a hike or at flag and find their cabin covered in toilet paper, or fake bugs, or even pop its hidden under their cots. It was even sorta funny when they tried to get back at me and put fake ants in my mac and cheese, thus ruining every future opportunity for enjoying a delicious box of kraft mac and cheese.
Spending time with all the young women in my ward was such a blessing. I loved getting to know them better. With them i feel like i don't need to worry about them judging me. they'll accept me for who i am, no need to pretend like i don't have faults and bad habits. They love me and will stand by me. I'm going to miss spending time with all these girls, they have helped me become who i am today. They are the best thing in my life and i love just being able to talk about anything with them. We had so many funny times, but also serious times. I'm going to miss being able to just get away for 5 days and spend time with them.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Weekends are for the Warriors
This weekend, like most of the other weekends that have been spent this summer, was spent trying to pack in as much stuff as possible into just a few hours. Yesterday my time was spent at 7 peaks with Ashley, Bre, and Marcy getting super tan and partying in the water :) That night i got to watch Beastly. ha it was the cutest movie, except the entire time all i was thinking about was high school musical. Ahh I'm just obsessed with those movies and to me vanessa hudgens is gabriella montez. But the best part of this week was tonight, it was the Stadium of Fire, and i had very high expectations of the famous country singer Brad Paisley. I'm happy to report that i was not disappointed! He was so amazing, and it really made me love country music
I'm lovin the 4th of July celebrations, all the fireworks are incredible. I love the colors and the sound and everything about it. It's a great time to remember how lucky we are to live in America and what a unique, special place it is. I'm so excited to get to hang out with my family and have the traditional hamburger and hotdog :) great times ahead for this summer!
I'm lovin the 4th of July celebrations, all the fireworks are incredible. I love the colors and the sound and everything about it. It's a great time to remember how lucky we are to live in America and what a unique, special place it is. I'm so excited to get to hang out with my family and have the traditional hamburger and hotdog :) great times ahead for this summer!

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