Last week i was able to go to california with the xc team. Boy was it crazy! It kinda was my last big party with the team. Soon, i'll be graduated and moved out. crazy to think i won't have these girls anymore. Cross country has been such a big part of my life, i've been doing it for over 5 years of my life. Through my hard struggles, and worst days coming to practice was the one constant. I rely on it, yearn for it, need it. Being able to lace up my shoes and go for a run whenever the urge comes is one of the greatest blessing in my life.

Look at these girls!! back when i was just a wee sophomore, this was my team. what sweethearts!
first there is Ashley, the optimistic peppy one, she never fails to bring a smile to everyone's face. I don't really recall when we first became friends. It seems kinda funny because we didn't ever talk to each other when we had the same class in elementary school. Who really knows what brought us together, but i'm glad that it did. She's so much fun to be around, and provides motivation when i need it most. No matter what time of day, she always looks cute (and will always deny it). I look up to her in so many ways, how she can run so fast on tempo runs, it seems like i'm always staring at her bouncy hair wondering how she managed to go so fast. She's the mother of the team, always looking out for everyone else.

Then there is hannah, the always late, rushing around, stressed to the max. Bless her heart, i adore her. it seems like every race that year we gathered at the starting line and our hearts plummeted as we realized that hannah wasn't there! She's the girl who has been my teammate for the longest. Back when we were just 7th graders, wondering why exactly we decided to start running. We've been through it all, together. I remember when we would go for a run on saturday together, and just talk through the entire run, not once was there a silent moment. I could talk all day with her, she's my partner, we're always running together, side by side. Crazy how close we have gotten in the past 6 years. It doesn't seem like i've only known her for 6 years, but rather my whole life. She's practically my sister.

Alisa!! Bless this girl's heart, she is my favorite! There is SO much i could say about alisa. Like the way be became friends was that we didn't want to do an ab workout after practice, so instead we told jokes. How i've never gotten into so many mud fights with one person. She has an adventurous soul, and we do the craziest stuff! (our most recent adventure being mountain biking) Words cannot describe my love for her. It's gonna break my heart being away from her, i can't even think about it. Running, sledding, hot tubing, eating maytes, mini golf. We do EVERYTHING together, and i can't imagine life without her. She's my joy, my little teddy bear when we cuddle, crayon breaker when we color, we splash in water, we spin around on chairs and beat each other up, and i love every moment of it...

TIFF!! Oh tiff, since you're probably gonna actually read this, it's hard to come up with adequate words to let you know how much your friendship means to me. I remember when you and tori came to my track meet to watch me race against Ashleigh Warner. I was so scared, but you have a calming presence. All my worries seem to vanish when you come. You're a free spirit, lively, fearless. Your vast knowledge of quotes is amazing, i'm so jealous. Your laugh is infectious, it makes me smile just liking about it. I'm so glad that you got to go to cali this year! It hasn't been the same racing without you, this team is like a body, and we were missing a leg until you came back. Haha weird analogy, i know. I just want you to know that i value our friendship, and love you to death!

There are so many other wonderful people on the team i could talk about. Lecy, lex, chantal, marcy, bre, and so many others. These girls have helped shape me into a better person. Even though our lives are about to go in separate directions, i will always hold them close to my heart, my sisters for life.